Watch Art Thomas discuss healing ministry with Sid Roth on his TV program, It’s Supernatural.
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You can also hear the one-hour radio interview (audio only) on Sid Roth’s Messianic Vision here:
At the end of the TV interview, Art was invited to teach the studio audience more about healing ministry. Eight people made decisions to follow Jesus, including a couple Sid had met in the mall and invited to attend the taping (she was Jewish and her husband had been practicing New Age). Scores of people were healed as the studio audience ministered to each other in Jesus’ name. Many testified that it was the most healing miracles they had ever witnessed in their entire lives!
Several testimonies of healing have come in since the show was aired. Here is just one of the more dramatic ones:
“I was watching you on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and ended up getting healed by your prayer over the audience and us watching it on TV. I was in a car accident May 14th, and my back was injured pretty badly—lots of inflammation on my spine and some pinched nerves that made me unable to move my legs from the knee down. I’ve been doing physical therapy, but they couldn’t figure out what was going on with my nerves and ordered me to have a nerve test scheduled for July 3. Last Thursday, June 18th, is when I saw you on that show. As you prayed this cool liquid-like sensation traveled from my low back down to my feet, and I thought ‘that feels weird’ but didnt realize what had just happened. Show ends and I get up to use the restroom and am walking normal instead of the post-accident 80-year-old stroll I had adopted. ( Im 33 by the way) I was baffled by it! I could all of a sudden run and jump and with no back spasms or pain associated with it! Thank you so much for not only allowing GOD to use you but also teaching that its GOD'S heart that we all flow in the gifts of the Spirit.”