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Short-Term Missions Team Training

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Going on a short-term mission trip? This 4-session training with missionary-evangelist Art Thomas will prepare you for the adventure that awaits you. Great for individuals or whole teams. Session 1: The Power of Short-Term Missions Why are short-term mission trips valuable? Is it worth the money? How do we humbly interact with people in a different place than our own home? What sort of kingdom impact can we expect this trip to have on ourselves and the host country? Session 2: Cultural Prep Prepare for culture shock. Understand poverty and how to minister to people in ways that offer them a sense of dignity. Engage in victorious spiritual warfare. Honor the people and meaningfully engage their culture. Session 3: Practical Ministry Tools Learn to articulate the gospel, share your personal testimony, and work with an interpreter. Receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and learn to explain it to others. And discover the simplicity of ministering healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus. Session 4: Travel, Safety, & Team Unity What do you need to know to make this trip a fantastic experience? What can you do to be safe and minimize risks for the entire team? Learn some insider tips for international travel and glean from years of experience how to maintain unity and relational health within your team.

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