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Discerning God’s Voice

“God never ceases to speak to us, but the noise of the world without and the tumult of our passions within bewilder us and prevent us from listening to him.” – Fenelon

How do we reach the point where we hear the voice of God even in the busyness of everyday life?

Many of us can remember as children being at a big, busy party when somehow—in another room—our ears would tune into the voice of our mother saying our name to someone else. We knew she was talking about us, and we raced into the room to figure out what was being said.

Why is this such a common experience? Because many children learn the voice of their mother in the quiteness of the womb, the crib, and her arms. Learn your mother’s voice in the quiet times and you’ll be able to recognize it in the busy times.

It’s the same way with God. Get to know His voice in the quietness of devotion. Read His Word. Take time to pray. Seek to encounter Him and truly know Him on an intimate level. And the deeper you travel into the heart of God, the easier it will be to recognize and discern His voice in the midst of worldly noise.

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