Why do you suppose we complicate God so much? We think that hearing His voice is somehow something strange and mystical that rarely happens. We don’t realize that we were created for relationship with God! Why would He make that a difficult thing?
I’m asking these questions because the Lord just put me in my place a couple hours ago. I develop web sites for a living, and today I came accross a severely frustrating problem. My client wanted a change made to one little thing, and I spent three fruitless hours trying to fix it with every trick I knew. My girlfriend, Robin, who is a computer programming major and will be graduating in December also couldn’t figure out what was going on. It was a mess.
Then I had a novel idea: Why don’t I ask God what to do?
I dove off my swivel chair and fell down on the floor in desperation. “God!” I cried out, “You’ve got to help me here!”
Instantly—and I mean instantly—a simple, three-word sentence popped into my mind. Funny, I didn’t want to accept it because it seemed too simple! But then the Holy Spirit said, “What kind of friend do you think I am? Why should I make you beg? Now go do what I showed you!”
I made the change. It was something I had never done before, but it worked!
God wants to be your friend, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ made that possible. To think we have to beg, plead, and somehow work for an answer is to imply that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t enough!
Listen for the voice of God even when it doesn’t seem like you’re doing something for the Kingdom. He will direct your path even as it relates to your career. The next time you run into a problem at work or a question about what turn to make, turn your ear to God, and He will answer!