If you or someone you love needs physical healing, we want to help. We believe Jesus paid for that healing, and we want to do everything we reasonably can to minister to you and provide you with quality resources.
Even though we’re a for-profit publishing company, we believe the gospel should be free of charge. So below is our recommended list of free material on our web site, which we hope will be a blessing to you:
Jesus Wants YOU to be Healed
This free audio is a half-hour and includes:
a brief teaching by Art Thomas about God’s will to heal,
healing ministry by Art Thomas, and
10 minutes of instrumental piano music by James Loruss.
Feel free to download and share this audio, provided it is done so in its entirety and is offered free of charge and without collecting advertising royalties. We want it to be truly free and offered without any ulterior motives.
If you’d like to order this audio on a CD (which includes a gospel presentation and healing scriptures printed inside the case), you can learn more here or simply click the “Add to Cart” button:
Free Healing Ministry Videos
The following videos are full-length teachings by Art Thomas, presented in the best order to watch them:

Healing is Simple - Art Thomas Ministries

Effortless Healing - Art Thomas Ministries

10 Things Jesus NEVER Said about Healing - Art Thomas Ministries

Spirit-Filled Suffering - Art Thomas

Healing and the Blood of Jesus - Art Thomas Ministries

You Are Ready to Minister Healing! - Art Thomas Ministries

Breakthrough in Healing // Art Thomas
Recommended Articles about Healing
The following articles are some of our best, and we recommend them to just about everyone who might be seeking healing:
Healing Ministry Teaching Products:
The above material is more than any believer needs to know about how to receive and minister physical healing. But our team has put together additional resources that help fund our ministries and care for our families.
If you’re interested in purchasing some of the material we have for sale, you can browse the featured products below or look through the physical healing category in our store.