Does one of these sound like you?
An established Christian author
Is your next book perfectly suited for our audience of Spirit-filled disciple-makers?
Do you feel like your current publisher has diluted their brand with books and authors who don't quite align with your core values?
Are you interested in earning higher royalties than the industry standard paid by most traditional publishers?
An evangelist or itinerant minister
Do you have a message that's bigger than a sermon or weekend event?
Would you benefit from the authority, professionalism, and extra income that come from having a high-quality book on your product table?
Are you ready for an increase in speaking engagements and ministry opportunities that can come with a book?
A disciple of Jesus with a big idea
Do you believe God has motivated you to write a book that fits our brand?
Have you written a powerful book that needs an audience of Spirit-filled believers who will put your message into practice?
Are you interested in partnering with like-minded authors and ministers who share your values?

"We believe the kingdom of God should operate differently from the world, so we have thrown away the traditional publishing model and adopted a framework that pays our authors roughly double the industry standard."
We redesigned the publishing experience.
My first book was published with a popular Christian publisher. Overall, it was a great experience, but it wasn't particularly profitable. They rightly warned me that authors rarely make money on a first book, generally break even on a second or third book, and only then begin becoming a household name where real income can be earned.
That first book served as a glorified business card, opening a lot of doors for speaking engagements but still largely being a financial loss for me.
My second book was self-published. It wasn't much to look at, and it badly needed editing. It didn't offer any of the social credit I received from the publisher of my first book, but it earned me more profit in its first year than my other book earned in a decade.
I wondered, Wouldn't it be amazing if I could find a publishing company that provided the same level of respectability as the big guys but also with higher royalties so I can actually earn a return on my time and effort? Is it possible to have the best of both worlds?
When my movie Paid in Full and its accompanying book came along, I decided to organize my ministry web site into a production company and publish everything myself. And when that movie and book took off with a global audience, widespread television exposure, and countless testimonies from viewers and readers, I knew Supernatural Truth Productions LLC had become a viable imprint.
It was time to structure my little company into the publisher I always wished existed.
After studying how all the big publishers operate, I realized the traditional system no longer made sense in the light of all the options available today. I was able to shave significant expenses out of the traditional book distribution process and create a profit-sharing system that offers our authors roughly double the industry standard in royalties. (More on that below.)
With Supernatural Truth Productions (and our imprints, Kainos Publishing and FiveStonePress), you receive the best of both worlds: Respectability and credibility from a known, respected brand, plus higher royalties that pay you about twice as much as the traditional publishers.
Join us! I'd love to partner with you in publishing your book and introducing you to our global audience.
Art Thomas
CEO, Supernatural Truth Productions, LLC
This sounds too good to be true. How do you offer such high royalties to your authors?
The kingdom of God runs contrary to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2). Accordingly, we believe a company that operates on kingdom principles ought to look different from the world and be better in every way.
Not only does our company donate some of our profit from every sale to support missions work in remote regions, but we also have designed Supernatural Truth Productions to honor our authors, editors, designers, and other employees.
In a traditional publishing model, authors tend to earn royalties between 7.5% and 10% of the retail price of the book (source). On a $15 book, that’s about $1.13–$1.50 that goes to you. But we’ve developed a completely new model that can earn our authors about twice that amount.
We give you 55% of what we call the “shared profit.” Here’s how we calculate it:
The “wholesale price” is set at 50% of retail. (On a $15 book, that’s $7.50.)
Next, we calculate the “base cost,” which is the cost of manufacturing and shipping, plus $0.30 and rounded to the nearest $0.05. On most $15 books, this is around $2–$3.50, depending on the number of pages and the quantity printed.
The “shared profit” is calculated by subtracting the “base cost” from the “wholesale price.” (In this example, on a $15 book, the “shared profit” would be between $4 and $5.50.)
The author’s royalty of 55%, then, would be between $2.20 and $3.03. That’s roughly double the industry standard.
Since you’re the one producing the content, we believe you should benefit most from the sale. The other 45%, then, is used to pay the bills and our production team (editors, designers, project managers, and others) who brought your book to life and help keep our company running smoothly.
Now, you may be wondering, Okay… all this is calculated on the wholesale price, which is 50% off the retail price. But who gets that other 50% of each sale?
In the book business, someone needs to sell your products. Under the traditional model, retailers (the people who sell your books) usually buy from wholesalers at 60% of the retail price (source). Then they sell your book for whatever price they like (even less than retail) and keep all the markup as profit.
But as a kingdom-minded company, our unique model allows retailers to purchase our books at 50% of retail, which gives them more profit.
And here’s some extra good news: As an STP author, you are authorized as a retailer of all our products. This means you can buy any physical product in our store at the wholesale price, sell it for the retail price, and earn all the markup as profit. That’s a 100% return on your money. And if the product you sell is your own, we'll discount the price according to your normal royalties, which means a lower cost of purchasing and more profit per sale for you.
When people buy from this web site, Supernatural Truth Productions is the retailer. When products are on sale, your royalties are unaffected. Discounts only cut into the retailer portion of each sale.
Oh! And one more thing... We manage e-books differently as well. Whereas the industry standard is for the publishing company to take 70% of ebook sales and send the author the scraps (source), we do essentially the opposite. Our authors receive 65% of e-book income while we only take 35% to pay our editors, designers, and other company costs. Once again, you'll earn double the industry standard. We use this same formula for audiobooks and print-on-demand versions of your book as well.
In short, you've finally found a publisher who has your best interests in mind. Let's get started.