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Nothing is Impossible for God!

You are about to read more than just testimonies. You are about to discover how intensely God wants to heal you! Allow these testimonies to help renew your mind and build expectation for what God wants to do in your life. I believe there are many who will be healed by the time they finish reading this article.

The first three days of my time in Uganda were spent at Christ the Healer Church in the village of Wanenga. This is the home church of Pastor Paul Basuule Habib, who was my host during the entire visit.

Pastor Paul and Art in Wanenga, Uganda
Pastor Paul and Art

Day 1:

Born and raised Muslim, Habib had a dramatic salvation experience as a teen. His family chased him away from home, and he was left orphaned. After working with another pastor for a few years, the Lord told him to leave the city and plant a church in a small bush-village overrun by drunkards, violence, and witchdoctors.

Wanenga Christ the Healer Church started in 1997 with Pastor Paul and three Christians in a shed made of sticks and banana leaves. He faced persecution, arrests, and attempts on his life (none of which were successful at stopping him). Since that time, Wanenga has become a different village.

While caring for scores of orphans and widows, Pastor Paul worked hard to scrape together enough money to build a larger church building. He purchased a very small plot of land—just big enough to build a wood and mud church (and God provided miraculously for the “iron sheets” to roof it).

Today, every witchdoctor in Wanenga has either left town, been saved, or died. None are left. Around 250 people now call this church “home.” When they all show up, they can’t fit inside! Hundreds have been set free from the grip of the enemy.

It was wonderful to step into this atmosphere for the first three days of ministry. Much spiritual ground had already been plowed, and the people were hungry for the Word of God. The following are testimonies from those first three days of ministry in Wanenga:

  1. An old woman traveled 3km by foot every day to the meetings in Wanenga. She had stomach pains that the doctors had been unable to cure. Today, she was healed.

  2. A woman suffered from a spirit of fear—constant nightmares and some kind of physical pain that came with the fear. On Day 3, she testified that she is completely free. She said that she had a dream in which someone kindled a fire in front of her, and the Lord told her to look into it. Immediately she felt freedom. No nightmares, fear, or pain since.

  3. An old man (“Pastor Henry”) said he had “sickness of the ears, causing problems.” He said he has healed the deaf, but has not been healed himself. He has taken medicine for three years that hasn’t helped. Now, he’s healed.

  4. An 80-year-old man with back pain. After healing, he was dancing at the front of the church and praising God.

  5. Man named Peter who had diminishing eyesight and couldn’t see more than a few feet away. After ministry, he ran to the back of the church and could read the words on the chalkboard.

  6. Also, 20 people came forward to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. They then went and prayed for everyone who still needed healing. When I asked how many were healed, 12 more raised their hands.

Day 2:

  1. Pastor Paul’s 5-month-old son, Paul Jr., had a sickness that looked very much like Malaria (which claims well over half a million lives every year). After prayer, he was healed overnight.

  2. The same old woman from yesterday—who traveled 3 km again today: Eyes have been failing, and she missed reading her Bible. We ministered once, and nothing happened. So we ministered again, and she began reading.

  3. An old man came with an intestinal problem. He had an operation back in April, but there was no improvement. The wound still hadn’t healed and was causing a lot of pain. After ministry, the pain left and he said the wound was healed.

  4. The village elder (“Musia,” which means “old man”) was quickly exhausted while walking to church. He had pain in his joints and said he felt like his legs were broken. After ministry, he was running back and forth across the front of the church and said he felt like a new man.

Day 3:

  1. Two days ago, an old woman came for ministry who had a fever. She also takes care of two young children and asked me to “bless them.” Today, she testified that the fever instantly left, and the children—who had been constantly fighting—had been getting along just fine.

  2. Another woman had pain in her ears and a fever. Jesus healed both.

  3. An older woman said she had fever and weakness yesterday, but she was healed after ministry and is still healed today.

  4. A woman was having pain in her breast and is now healed.

  5. A young woman was healed of stomach sickness

  6. A woman had a heavy heartbeat, which is now beating normally.

  7. A man came and received salvation. At the end of the meeting, he was healed of severe chest pain.

These first three days of miracles were a spectacular beginning to my 12 days of ministry in Uganda, but I believe there is a greater purpose.Revelation 12:11 implies that our testimonies are spiritual weapons that defeat the devil and destroy his work. I feel in my spirit that some of you reading this now are going to be healed of various conditions. The testimonies you read have made you conscious of God’s unstoppable power, and you want to experience the same in your own life.

If you need to be healed, I want you to place your hand(s) wherever the problem is and read the following prayer. These aren’t magic words—they’re simply one person expressing his desire to God:

Father, I thank You for Your love. I ask You to touch each reader in Jesus’ name. Stretch out Your hand to work powerful miracles, heal bodies, and transform lives. Thank You, Jesus, for paying the price to make this possible. Amen.

Now, whatever your condition is, speak to it with the authority of Jesus. If it’s sickness, say, “Sickness: Go in Jesus’ name.” If it’s an injury—perhaps your leg—say, “Leg, be healed in Jesus’ name.” Whatever the problem is, speak to it, and tell it what to do in the name of Jesus.

Now, immediately test it out. Try moving something you couldn’t move. Is it gone? If so, then spend some time praising God! If not, speak to it again. Jesus paid a very high price for your healing, and He intends for you to receive the gift He purchased.

If you’ve been healed as you read this blog post, I want to hear about it! Please either comment on this post or e-mail me at

God bless! –Art

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