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You were born to create. Your heavenly Father—the Creator of the universe—designed you in His image and likeness. Creativity is the family business, and when you engage in the creative process, you reveal God’s love and power to the world. For example,


  • Moses made a sculpture that healed people when they looked at it.
  • Ezekiel made a model that was also a prophecy.
  • David played the harp and chased away demons.
  • Israel’s craftsmen designed earthly replicas of heavenly realities, and God manifested His presence through those creations.
  • Poets and songwriters composed under the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, and their creations were recorded as sacred Scripture that still ministers after thousands of years.


When God empowers your creativity, anything is possible. Partner with God to produce the miraculous.


Art Thomas is a missionary-evangelist, artist, musician, and filmmaker who has witnessed countless miracles through ordinary believers. He has preached on every continent except Antarctica and learned from Christians in many cultures. Art is the founding pastor of Roots Church, a Spirit-filled network of house churches in Metro Detroit. He and his wife, Robin, live with their two boys, Josiah and Jeremiah, in Romulus, Michigan.



Whether or not you see yourself as creative, read this book. I have many strengths, but being artistic is nowhere near the top of the list. I can barely print my name, never mind draw. I’m musically challenged. I dreaded art class growing up. But every chapter of this book spoke to me and made me feel more alive. Why? Because it is filled with biblical truths and practical examples about our amazing Creator God and how he wants to bring his life in and through us. If, like me, you enjoy being inspired to function more in sync with how you were created, you won’t be able to put down this book.

~ Tom Ruotolo
Founder, City Quake


The name Art Thomas is synonymous with a passion for the Holy Spirit and a strong creative gifting. The book you hold in your hand is the melding of these two worlds, proven in the fire of personal experience. God has a stronger anointing and a more profound creative gifting for you!

~ Tim Enloe
Author and Conference Speaker


The church has, for ages, notoriously kept God in boxes of religious limitation. While many have known Christianity as merely church attendance and Bible study, Art reveals a virtually untapped frontier of creative revelation and adventure that Christ has been begging his people to explore. Surely, it is of no coincidence he would call a man named “Art” to unpack it! This book not only educates; it inspires. Whether you are a painter, musician, doctor, businessman or housewife, God’s creative miracles are waiting to be revealed through you.

~ Josh Adkins
The Loft Church
Author of Heaven Here


In Empowered Creativity, Art Thomas lays out a simple yet convincing explanation for our expression of the divine in everything we set out to do, tying it in biblically with who we now have become through our rebirth. Our Father has always been a Creator, and now, through his Spirit, he lives inside of us.

~ Shawn Hurley
Happy Hands Ministries


I've known Art Thomas for almost a decade now. When we first met, he let me watch the documentary Paid in Full, which he had just finished producing. We hit it off and have been friends ever since.


I've seen him produce a lot of fruit in various art forms for the kingdom of God and watched him attempt various new ideas I'd never heard of or thought of, particularly in the book publishing realm.


But that's not my point. Art has always been a trailblazer and willing to take risks or implement ideas from “off the beaten path.” It's no surprise to me he's come up with this particular book, in a category all its own, just as I've come to expect from Art.


Going through the pages of Empowered Creativity, I can't help but wonder what has taken so long and why this particular book is only coming to fruition now. Even though all things happen in God's time, I can't help but also think, It's about time!

~ Steve Bremner
Author and Kingdom Writing Coach


Art Thomas is one of the most creative men that I know. In the years we’ve been colleagues, I have watched him launch several flourishing enterprises—design, publishing, filmmaking, discipleship, and the application of spiritual gifts. So, when I found out he penned a book on Empowered Creativity, I knew I had to have it. Going through these pages reconfirmed my friend’s brilliance. Art is not only innovative in mind but also in execution. I’m not aware of any other books on this topic. So it looks like Art just broke open a whole new publishing category. I’m not surprised.

~ J.D. King
Author of Shift: Leading in Transition
and Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing
in the Christian Church (3 volumes)

Empowered Creativity

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