"In this book, Steve masterfully dismantles the most common 'yeah, buts' that have lived too long in the Church so that you can move forward in ministering and receiving healing. Logical arguments come through in a conversational tone, which makes this one of my favorite books to recommend for those who struggle to separate from the nonsense we've been taught. This book will bring you back to simplicity: Jesus wants to heal, and He wants to partner with you to do it!"~ Art ThomasMissionary-EvangelistWildfire Ministries InternationalCEO of Supernatural Truth ProductionsGod wants to heal, every single time. If you're not yet convinced of that, Steve Bremner's book will help you connect with clear, logical, biblical argumentation to prove it.
This book is not only written for Charismatics or Pentecostals but also people of any denomination, since "faith healing" is not a denominational issue but a foundational Bible doctrine.
Use the argumentation in this book to encourage your friends toward a lifestyle where physical healing is a normal, everyday experience. It's time to eliminate the lies we've believed for far too long.
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