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What is the New Apostolic Reformation?

New apostolic reformation

What is the New Apostolic Reformation? Why is it such a big deal to so many people? And what threat does the New Apostolic Reformation pose to the Church?

I want to offer a balanced response to these three questions and hopefully clear up some of the rhetoric and confusion that’s out there. My primary goal here is to give the Body of Christ a reasoned look at a complex topic so that we can be discerning and loving in how we interact on the subject. My secondary goal is to call out false teachers, slanderers, and children of the devil who have built their audiences out of innocent people whose itching ears are eager to hear what they want to hear.

Today I’m going to expose some wolves in sheep’s clothing, prominent theological errors, and divisive lies that are tearing apart the Church.

But it’s probably not going to look like what you expect.

In my best attempt to be like Jesus, I intend to love and defend the innocent while not pulling punches against those who have sown lies, discord, and false doctrine in the Church.

So hold onto your hat!

What is the New Apostolic Reformation?

This is a tough one. The New Apostolic Reformation (also called the NAR) has been defined and redefined by proponents and critics alike. While one person might say it’s the next great move of the Holy Spirit, the next person might say it is heretical poison, brainwashing believers throughout the world.

Interestingly, the most even-handed definition I’ve found comes from Wikipedia, which says:

The New Apostolic Reformation is a title originally used by C. Peter Wagner to describe a movement within Pentecostal and charismatic churches. The title New Apostolic Reformation is descriptive of a theological movement and is not an organization and therefore does not have formal membership. Among those in the movement that inspired the title NAR, there is a wide range of variance on specific beliefs. Those within the movement hold to their denominational interpretations of the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit within each believer. Unlike some parts of Protestant Christianity, these include the direct revelation of Christ to each believer, prophecy, and the performance of miracles such as healing… (source)

The first thing we need to note is that the New Apostolic Reformation is not an official group of people. It is a made-up term that C. Peter Wagner used to describe something he was observing in the wider Church. Wagner is not the founder of this movement—he’s just the first scholar to give it a name that caught on.

The second thing we need to note is that the New Apostolic Reformation is not an organized movement. It is not some secret society, shadow organization, or conspiratorial cult bent on overthrowing world governments or undermining the Church. The “New Apostolic Reformation” is nothing but a term used to classify a subset of people throughout denominational and non-denominational Christendom who seem to share some common characteristics.

Along these lines, Dr. Roger E. Olsen writes, “…the closer I looked at the [NAR] the less convinced I was that it is a cohesive movement at all. It seems more like a kind of umbrella term for a loose collection of independent ministries that have a few common interests. In other words, I would call it an affinity more than a movement.” (source: Is the NAR Movement a Cult?)

But the above definitions are not the definitions used by everyone. If you read most of the so-called “discernment ministries” on the Internet, the New Apostolic Reformation is a demonically-inspired cancer in the Church intended to deceive the masses. Entire web sites are dedicated to the “exposing” of “NAR ministers and false-teachers.”

Unfortunately, the criteria for ending up on one of these lists are often little more than guilt by association. These web sites are pretty much a roster of every popular minister within “six degrees of separation” from C. Peter Wagner. The “discernment ministers” then comb through the teachings of the minister in question and find every single thing they (or someone directly associated with them) has ever said or done that doesn’t fit their own theology, experience, or understanding.

But that’s not discernment. It takes no discernment whatsoever to throw a baby out with the bathwater. Discernment is identifying what is baby, what is bathwater, and pulling the baby out!

Instead of discerning truth, as these web sites claim, they are fault-finding children of the devil, doing what their father does: accusing the brethren, pouring out lies, and bearing false witness against their neighbor. They are slanderers, plain and simple, who are creating painful division in the Church, sowing discord among believers, and in some cases bearing false witness against their neighbors.

Not wanting to stoop to their level (or promote them), I won’t be sharing any links to those so-called “discernment ministries.” Instead I will address the principle behind what they do so that you can be on your guard against the devil’s schemes. My goal here is not to disparage any individuals but instead to address the overarching problems so you can spot them and avoid them.


Before we continue, I want to be clear about two things:

  1. First, as far as I know I have not been added to any of these lists, so this article is not a knee-jerk retaliation or defense of myself.

  2. Second, this article should also not be seen as a blanket endorsement of every minister accused of being a false teacher. I personally agree that some of the ministers called out on these web sites are indeed false teachers and false prophets, but “even a broken clock is right twice a day.” The fact that these web sites are right on some points does not make them right on every point.

What I am sharing in this article is more about giving you the tools to defend the innocent and remain free from this trap yourself.

The Dangerous Trap of Heresy-Hunting

About a decade ago, a significant movement took place in Florida. The original version of this blog became quickly popular because I was offering balanced and discerning commentary on the things taking place—praising God for the miracles and salvations while cautioning people about the observable excesses and problems. Thousands of people were liking and sharing my articles—thanking me for doing the messy work of weeding out the genuine from the false and not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. (I have since removed those articles from my blog because they are no longer beneficial or helpful to the Church, but I still stand by everything I wrote at the time).

Several months into the events in Florida, my mom came to me with a dream she had the night before. In the dream, she saw me circling around the mouth of a deep pit, looking down at a dead tree at the bottom. I started to climb down the side of the pit to get a better look but soon slipped and found myself trapped in the mud and muck around the tree. My mother told me, “I think you’ve looked into this stuff as much as you need to, and if you try to look any deeper, you’re going to be ensnared by the enemy.”

I heeded my mother’s advice and backed off on my commentary. Within about a couple weeks, the evangelist leading the meetings was exposed for having an affair with an intern, among other issues, and the entire movement came to a screeching halt.

Everything inside of me wanted to jump online and declare, “I told you so!” But I knew that wasn’t the heart of God. Those who are excited by the sin of others do not have the heart of God. “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” Instead I sought the Lord until I felt His grief on the matter and finally issued one last article encouraging people to pray for everyone involved and not grow cynical toward the miraculous just because of one person’s poor representation of Jesus.

I know from experience the thrill of online popularity. I wasn’t profiting financially from my blog or articles, but I loved the attention, the accolades, and the open gratitude from so many people. I felt like I was making a difference. It was no easy task to back off on writing about all that was happening.

Given this, I feel like I have a little bit of a window into what makes the online heresy-hunters tick. Yes, some of them do profit financially from their attacks on others, but I have to give them all the benefit of the doubt and assume they truly believe they’re helping people.

Of course the Pharisees of Jesus’ day probably felt the same way.

I know from experience how easy it is to be captivated with the problems I see instead of being captivated with Jesus. And when such behavior is reinforced by Facebook “likes,” page-views, pins, and re-tweets, the natural tendency is to try to produce more material. And this, if we’re not careful, turns us into faultfinders and grumblers—the very people Jesus comes to judge in Jude 1:16.

The Greatest Danger of the New Apostolic Reformation

I want to reiterate that I am not defending every minister who has ever been accused of being in the New Apostolic Reformation, nor am I defending the common theological positions of the movement. But with that said:

The greatest danger of the New Apostolic Reformation is NOT the New Apostolic Reformation itself.

Sure, there are some theological problems and biblical errors spread by people in the movement. But there are also theological problems and biblical errors spread by people outside the movement. It is arrogant for any of us to believe we have the market cornered on truth or that every little thing we believe is correct. For this reason, we need to major on the majors and minor on the minors. Some hills are worth dying on (like the truth of the Gospel) while we can lovingly differ on the gray areas (like the role or importance of apostles in the present-day church). These gray areas are worth debating, but they’re not worth disfellowshipping over.

Do some of these theological errors need to be exposed and called out? Sure. But lets not fall into the trap of assuming the only errors exist in some external movement of which we may not be part. Let’s deal with the planks in our own eyes first.

For example, most of the heresy-hunting web sites bent on exposing the New Apostolic Reformation accuse NAR teachers of preaching to itching ears. They cite Second Timothy 4:3-5, which says,

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.”

Here’s the irony: These “discernment ministers” build their own audiences by saying what their followers want to hear. They illustrate Romans 2:1: “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” They accuse NAR ministers of bringing division in the church while they themselves draw stark lines in the sand where Jesus has not drawn lines.

The followers of these web sites need correction too. Rather than being challenged to become more like Jesus in Spirit-filled Christianity—preaching the Gospel with signs and wonders following—they turn their ears away from the truth and read web sites that bear false witness against their neighbors. Instead of “keeping their head in all situations,” they follow blind guides. And rather than “doing the work of an evangelist” and “discharging all the duties of their ministry,” they look for faults, attack, and join in slander and gossip against people who are faithfully evangelizing and discharging the duties of their own ministries.

Again, I’m not defending every single minister on these lists. Some are indeed false teachers. But I have met and learned from many of the others on these lists. I have become friends with some. I have seen their lives up close, and I can tell you at least some of the people on the online lists are not who the web sites make them out to be. They are faithful ministers of the Gospel who love Jesus deeply, serve the Church faithfully, study the Word purposefully, and spread the Kingdom of God powerfully—all while facing real persecution. Some of these friends of mine have been stoned, beaten, shot at, or had other attempts on their life because of the Gospel. And they live their lives with humility, honoring others above themselves.

If you ask me, their lives look a lot more like biblical Christianity than the heresy hunters who hide behind their computers and scratch the itching ears of their paranoid audiences with slanderous attacks on the ones actually doing the work of ministry.

You see, the greatest danger of the New Apostolic Reformation is this: People who use the term to slander ministries they don’t know or don’t understand. These are the faultfinders and grumblers Jude says will be judged. These are the “idle and disruptive… busybodies” who spend more time researching online than spreading the Gospel to the lost and broken (2 Thessalonians 3:11).

Witch-hunts and “guilt by association” never end well. Just because someone preaches at the same conference as someone else doesn’t mean both preachers believe or teach the same things. Just because two people are in leadership positions at the same church doesn’t mean they both teach or preach the same things. Just because two people are friends or perhaps one learned from the other or promoted the other doesn’t mean they teach or even believe the same about everything.


Several years ago I realized Scripture says Satan is called “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10, KJV) while the Holy Spirit is called “the Advocate” (John 15:26). I decided I would rather be more like the latter than the former.

Jesus called some people who believed His message “children of the devil” (John 8:31-47). When they protested that they were children of Abraham, Jesus answered, “If you were Abraham’s children… then you would do what Abraham did. As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. You are doing the works of your own father.”

According to Jesus, our actions prove whose children we are. Those who spend their time faultfinding and bringing accusations against people who are serving Jesus and loving others have revealed who their father is.

God is love, and His children love. (1 John 4:7-8) According to First Corinthians 13:5-7:

“[Love] does not dishonor others”… yet these web sites dishonor many who exhibit integrity, love, goodness, humility, and so much of the nature of Jesus.

“[Love] keeps no record of wrongs”… yet these web sites are nothing but a record of wrongs, airing every mistake a person has ever been known to make and never granting the benefit of the doubt.

“[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres”… yet these web sites expose people rather than protecting them, assume the worst of people instead of trusting them, call people heretics and apostates instead of hoping the best for them, and throw the baby out with the bathwater instead of persevering in relationships or seeking to truly know the person first.

So what then is the solution? It’s simple.

  1. Recognize there are indeed false prophets and false teachers in the world who need to be avoided. There is no healthy solution that does not acknowledge the existence of the false. Just realize you don’t need a web site to take the place of the Holy Spirit in your life. If your eyes are fixed firmly on Jesus, He will help steer you away from deception.

  2. Avoid any web site that makes its money or builds its author’s influence through slandering others. Generally speaking, if any author or teacher indicates that they are the keepers of perfect doctrine and “here are all the people who teach differently from me and are therefore wrong,” that person is themself a false teacher and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Run away. The sad irony is that this is cult-forming behavior—the very thing they claim to be against.

  3. Spend more time actively engaged in obedience to Jesus through ministry to people and fulfilling the Great Commission than you spend “researching” false teachings and false teachers. When banks teach their tellers to identify counterfeit money, they have them handle genuine bills, not fake ones. You’ll be more discerning while engaging in actual ministry than you will ever be from reading some blog on the internet (even this one).

What Does the New Apostolic Reformation Believe that Makes it Such a Threat?

So is the New Apostolic Reformation good or bad? My best answer is “yes.” Like every Christian movement—and indeed every Christian—not everything is perfect.

Given this, I’d like to wind down this article by exercising a little discernment. Let’s have a look at the key components attributed to the New Apostolic Reformation and consider a reasoned response to each.

As I mentioned earlier, definitions vary. The heresy-hunting web sites out there often have their own list of definitions, but my experience is that these are deliberately skewed and littered with outright lies, implying that people in the movement are teaching or ministering something different than they actually are.

For this reason, we’ll take our definition straight from the source. The following points are derived from an article (The NAR is Not a Cult) written by C. Peter Wagner in which he lists the defining factors of the movement:

The New Apostolic Reformation believes in supernatural signs, wonders, and gifts of the Spirit happening today.

Is this biblical? Admittedly, I have bias as someone who preaches and teaches such things. I’ve now seen enough genuine miracles that I no longer need convincing. (I should note, however, that I do also recognize there are false signs and wonders that need to be discerned.)

If you’d like to read a scholarly rebuttal to the arguments against the present-day work of the Holy Spirit, please see On the Cessation of the Charismata by Jon Mark Ruthven, PhD.

It should be noted that a belief in present-day miracles and gifts of the Spirit is NOT exclusive to the New Apostolic Reformation and is shared by all Pentecostals and Charismatics around the world.

The New Apostolic Reformation believes God still speaks prophetically today through believers.

Some call this “extra-biblical revelation” because it is God speaking something not found in the Bible. C. Peter Wagner clarifies, “The one major rule governing any new revelation from God is that it cannot contradict what has already been written in the Bible.” (The NAR is Not a Cult)

As a licensed minister in the Assemblies of God, I do not see how we can argue against this point. Joel prophesied that God’s Spirit would be poured out on all flesh and that men, women, young, and old would all prophesy, receiving revelation through dreams and visions (Joel 2:28). And Peter said this promise of the Spirit’s empowerment was “for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:39). So speaking as a Pentecostal, I cannot in good conscience deny the potential for every believer to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:31). This view is also not exclusive to the NAR and is generally shared by Pentecostals and Charismatics as well.

The New Apostolic Reformation believes in a theocracy.

I’ll let Wagner speak for himself on this one:

“The usual meaning of theocracy is that a nation is run by authorized representatives of the church or its functional religious equivalent. Everyone I know in NAR would absolutely reject this idea, thinking back to Constantine’s failed experiment or some of the oppressive Islamic governments today. The way to achieve dominion is not to become ‘America’s Taliban,’ but rather to have kingdom-minded people in every one of the Seven Mountains: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business so that they can use their influence to create an environment in which the blessings and prosperity of the Kingdom of God can permeate all areas of society.” (The NAR is Not a Cult)

This particular topic tends to be one of the issues that concerns people most about the NAR and causes them to think there is a bigger conspiracy at work. But that’s simply because they believe the false accusations on the heresy-hunter web sites and ignore the actual words of people associated with the movement.

In chapter 1 of his book The Power that Changes the World, author Bill Johnson (someone I’ve interviewed a couple times and who is often labeled “NAR” in an accusatory way) writes, “The solution is not for the Church to take control of these realms. Historically, it has never helped us when we fight for control, nor has it helped our influence in society. It is much better for us to accept promotion when it comes, but to focus on embracing our influence as servants.” He cites Joseph, Daniel, Esther, and others who were all promoted to places of influence through humble service and never tried to usurp power or overthrow the worldly governments in which they lived.

Contrary to the false accusations of the “discernment ministries,” the NAR is not trying to take control of society. They simply seek to be salt and light in a world that desperately needs the loving influence of righteousness. If that’s what is meant by the word “theocracy,” I think we can all get behind that.

The New Apostolic Reformation believes in Dominionism.

This one is a little dicey. The word sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? Seems like they’re trying to take over the world.

First, any talk of “dominionism” has to be understood in the context of the previous topic. No one is trying to actually take over anything. On this point, Wagner writes,

“This refers to the desire that some of my friends and I have to follow Jesus and do what He wants. One of the things He does want He taught us to pray for in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ This means that we do our best to see that what we know is characteristic of heaven work its way into the warp and woof of our society here on earth. Think of heaven: no injustice, no poverty, righteousness, peace, prosperity, no disease, love, no corruption, no crime, no misery, no racism, and I could go on. Wouldn’t you like your city to display those characteristics?” (The NAR is Not a Cult)

In this case it appears we’re dealing less with heresy and more with idealism. Wagner isn’t talking about taking dominion over governments, businesses, or cities. He’s talking about the rule and authority of God having a positive and expressive influence in the earth.

Would that sort of a society be great? Absolutely! Should we pray, serve, and love people toward that end? Yes again. The only question remaining, then is this: Is it realistic?

I’ll leave that up to you. Personally, I would much rather hang around someone with that sort of wild optimism than hang around someone who complains everything in the world is falling apart. Realistic or not, I think it’s great to be motivated to serve my neighbor believing a real, lasting societal transformation is possible as we “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.”

The New Apostolic Reformation believes in the present-day offices of apostles and prophets.

This is a tough one because my interactions with people supposedly in the movement indicate to me that there is a wide variety of nuance on this issue from one minister to the next. It seems to me even Wagner is painting with too broad a brush here. In fact, very few of the people I know who have been labeled “NAR” would use the title of “apostle” or “prophet” in front of their name. I remember hearing Bill Johnson remark something like, “If you tell me you’re a prophet, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But if you put it on your business card, I might laugh at you.” Everyone I personally know who has been slapped with the “NAR” label carries out their ministry with humility and doesn’t use “apostle” or “prophet” in front of their name.

With that said, there are admittedly many in the movement who introduce themselves as “apostle so-and-so” or “prophet so-and-so.” If this is a self-appointed title, then it is clearly wrong. If it happens to be the term their denomination or church uses to classify their particular ministry expression, okay, I get it—but they may be bringing more confusion than clarity because there is so much disagreement about what these terms mean. I’m not opposed to the functions of these ministries in the church, but I am in favor of humility, brokenness, and a love that does not offend the conscience of others.

Again admitting my bias, I personally lean more toward the stance presented in the Assemblies of God “position paper” on apostles and prophets—especially this conclusion:

“…within the Assemblies of God, persons are not recognized by the title of apostle or prophet. However, many within the church exercise the ministry function of apostles and prophets. Apostolic functions usually occur within the context of breaking new ground in unevangelized areas or among unreached people. The planting of over 225,000 churches worldwide since 1914 in the Assemblies of God could not have been accomplished unless apostolic functions had been present. In the Early Church, false apostles did not pioneer ministries; they preyed on ministries established by others.” (Apostles and Prophets)

The article continues,

“The church must always remember that [Ephesians 4:11] leadership gifts are not given for the exaltation of a few but for the equipping of all God’s people for ministry.” (Apostles and Prophets)

Amen! And frankly, all my friends on the NAR lists would agree with that last sentence as well. While my own church may not recognize the titles of apostles and prophets (largely due to the Bible not clearly defining these roles), we do at least recognize that these roles still exist in the Body of Christ.

As someone who travels and speaks in many different churches, I have visited a number of places where people used the titles of “apostle” or “prophet.” Interestingly, in almost every case, these were humble, down-to-earth people who served their local churches with meekness and faithfulness. I had no problem honoring their local culture and using their titles as I spoke with them or about them. I wouldn’t feel comfortable using either title for myself, but I didn’t see these people to be self-appointed dictators lording over a congregation of mindless drones. Instead they were faithful servants caring for people God had entrusted to them.

Do power-hungry dictators exist in the Church today? Absolutely. And—dare I say it—some of them don’t call themselves “apostles” or “prophets.” Instead some call themselves “pastors.”

It doesn’t matter what title you use—if it’s done in humility and love, we can debate whether the title is accurate or necessary; but I don’t think you’re committing heresy as the “discernment ministries” would claim. However, if your use of a title is a way of accumulating or exerting some artificial sense of authority or self-importance, then it is sinful and wrong.

There are just as many false-pastors as there are false-apostles and false-prophets (if not, more). There are also many true ones. So lets get our eyes off the titles and keep them on Jesus. As long as these true ministries are in operation—title or not—the Kingdom of God is healthy.

Final Thoughts

I fully admit that the New Apostolic Reformation is messy.

  1. Sometimes its people say things that are frankly untrue. But so do ministers outside the NAR. All of us will be held accountable before the Lord for our careless words (Matthew 12:36), and teachers will be judged more strictly (James 3:1).

  2. Sometimes ministers in the NAR do things that are not loving. But so do ministers outside the NAR. All of us will one day answer to the Lord for how we treated others (Matthew 25:31-46).

  3. Sometimes people in the NAR do weird things or make wild claims that make mainstream Christians uncomfortable. I get it. Some of my friends have told me stories that still stretch the limits of what I believe is possible. But the Bible is full of such stories (consider Ezekiel, for example), and that gives me reason to love them with the benefit of the doubt.

There are false teachers inside the NAR, and there are false teachers outside the NAR. That is why we need discernment.

Are you seeing the problem? While C. Peter Wagner calls the New Apostolic Reformation a subset of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, none of the defining factors are truly “heretical” by classical Pentecostal or Charismatic standards. Some might be worded in ways a classical Pentecostal or Charismatic would not prefer, and some may challenge our established ecclesiology, but none of them are outside the bounds of reasonable, biblical Christianity.

Are there some fringe beliefs out there in the NAR that are worth addressing and even correcting? Absolutely. I think we need to have a reasoned discussion about topics like spiritual warfare, prosperity theology, practical application of healing ministry, the role of signs and wonders, eschatology, church governance, spiritual gifts, and the like (some of these are why this web site exists). But we’re only going to be able to have those conversations if we’re all willing to lovingly sit down together at the proverbial table and dialogue respectfully.

Nevertheless, there is no room at the table for slanderers. Until the heresy-hunters and false “discernment ministers” repent of their demonic, loveless, skewed attacks, their web sites and rhetoric should not be welcome as part of the conversation. Scripture tells us not to associate with such people or even eat with them (1 Corinthians 5:11).

To be honest, I understand why some non-Pentecostals would frequent the “discernment ministry” web sites and fear the NAR.  Signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of the Spirit, and so forth are strange to those who view them from the outside (Acts 2:13-16; 1 Corinthians 14:23). What I don’t understand is how so many Pentecostals and Charismatics (even within my own denomination) can join in the attack against Spirit-filled people who are doing more for the Kingdom than most of us could ever hope to participate in. I’m not talking about those who oppose the actual false teachers out there—and there are plenty. I’m talking about those who join the broad-brushed rejection of all things “NAR” as though it is some grave evil that will destroy us if left unchecked. If you’re a Pentecostal or Charismatic, by definition you agree with pretty much everything on the NAR list above (although there may be some variations in praxis or application, as I have demonstrated).

The next time you read something on the Internet that disparages another believer or minister, remember to be more like the Advocate than “the accuser of the brethren.” Investigate the person’s life for yourself before passing along someone else’s slanderous accusations. One of the easiest ways to “bear false witness against your neighbor” is to parrot someone else’s testimony about your neighbor that you yourself have not personally witnessed. Do not mistake faultfinding for discernment.

I’m not telling you not to be vigilant against false prophets and false teachers. All I’m saying is that we must not forget love and honor in the process.

Jesus instructed us to “do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

  1. If I once said something wrong that was caught on video, I wouldn’t want someone to make an out-of-context clip of it go viral on YouTube. I would want them to approach me about it and ask if I meant what it seems I meant or if I still believe what I implied.

  2. If I endorsed the book of a minister who later had a moral failure, I would want people to understand that my endorsement stood for a specific book at a moment in time and was not a permanent endorsement of everything a minister will ever say or do (lets not forget Solomon’s words are still Scripture despite the tragic mess in which his life ended).

  3. If I was found to have associated with someone who turned out to be a true heretic or false teacher, I would hope people would judge me according to my own life and ministry rather than thinking I agree with the offending party.

The New Apostolic Reformation has its issues, just like the rest of the Church. The question is whether we will be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Be blessed, –Art

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